Upgrade to Black Expanding Foam Instead of the Standard Yellow

When it comes to choosing expanding foam for your vivarium, the color can make a noticeable difference in the aesthetic and concealment of imperfections.

While the yellow version of Great Stuff expanding foam is more affordable, if it’s within your budget, opting for black expanding foam offers several advantages.

One of the main benefits of using black expanding foam is its ability to mask mistakes and inconsistencies that occur during the application process.

With the yellow foam, any errors, such as applying too thin a layer of silicone, missing spots, or even having an active animal inadvertently scraping off some covering, become much more obvious.

In fact, I have even seen experienced scapers use the black foam, carve off the shiny exterior layer, and leave the exposed black porous foam. This approach not only eliminates the need to cover the foam with additional materials but also creates a uniquely appealing background.

Whether you decide to leave the black foam exposed or add a coat of silicone and coco, using the black foam offers greater flexibility and a more professional finish to your vivarium design.

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