Shingling Vine: The Affordable and Easy-to-Grow Shingler

Common Name: Shingling Vine

Scientific Name: Marcgravia rectiflora

Lighting: Medium to bright

Water preferences: Medium to high moisture

Growth pattern: Climbing

Creating a lush and captivating vivarium requires the perfect combination of plants, and one plant that can add a unique touch to your setup are Shingling Vines, in this case Marcgravia rectiflora.

Part of the Marcgravia genus, which is known for its exquisite but often expensive species, Marcgravia rectiflora stands out as an affordable and relatively easy-to-grow option.

With its distinct shingling growth habit and preference for climbing backgrounds, this vine can add a touch of elegance to your vivarium.

In this article, we'll delve into the features, growth habits, care requirements, and benefits of the Shingling Vine, helping you understand why it's a fantastic choice for your vivarium.

Distinctive Shingling Growth

Shingling vines are named for their unique shingling growth method.

Shingling refers to the plant's habit of attaching itself to surfaces and growing in a layered manner, creating a stunning visual effect.

As the vine climbs up backgrounds like tree fern fiber or cork bark, it adheres closely to the surface, with new leaves overlapping the previous ones.

This creates a beautiful and intricate pattern of leaves, giving your vivarium a natural and three-dimensional look.

great background climber

Marcgravia rectiflora thrives when given the opportunity to climb on moist backgrounds.

It enjoys attaching itself to materials such as tree fern fiber or cork bark, which, when misted consistently, provide the necessary moisture for its growth.

When planted against a suitable background, the vine will readily attach itself and begin its upward climb.

This natural behavior not only enhances the visual appeal of your vivarium but also provides additional vertical space for your vivarium inhabitants to explore and utilize.

Affordable and Easy to Grow

One of the standout features of Marcgravia rectiflora is its affordability and ease of cultivation compared to other members of the Marcgravia genus.

While some species within this genus can be quite expensive and challenging to grow, Marcgravia rectiflora offers a more accessible option for vivarium enthusiasts.

With proper care and suitable growing conditions, this vine can thrive and flourish, providing a cost-effective yet visually striking addition to your vivarium.

Care Requirements

Marcgravia rectiflora is relatively undemanding when it comes to care, making it suitable for both beginners and experienced vivarium keepers.

It thrives in high humidity levels and appreciates regular misting to maintain the moisture levels it prefers.

Providing adequate lighting is crucial for the vine's growth and overall health.

Moderate to bright light is ideal. The brighter the light, the tighter the shingling pattern.

As for watering, it's important to keep the soil evenly moist but not waterlogged, allowing for proper drainage. It will rot if kept too wet.

Regularly monitor the moisture levels and adjust your watering accordingly to ensure optimal conditions for the vine's growth.


Marcgravia rectiflora offers an affordable and easy-to-grow option for vivarium enthusiasts looking to add a touch of elegance to their setups.

With its distinctive shingling growth method and preference for climbing moist backgrounds, this vine creates a stunning visual effect while providing additional vertical space for vivarium inhabitants.

Whether you're a beginner or an experienced vivarium keeper, it is a fantastic choice that combines affordability, ease of cultivation, and captivating aesthetics.

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