Let Your Cleanup Crew Establish Before Adding Inhabitants

When it comes to setting up your vivarium, a crucial aspect is establishing a thriving cleanup crew.

These small but mighty creatures, such as springtails and isopods, play a vital role in maintaining the health and longevity of your vivarium ecosystem.

After introducing your cleanup crew to the vivarium, it’s a good idea to allow them at least a month to establish a robust population before adding any other inhabitants.

If you were to introduce isopods simultaneously with inhabitants like crested geckos, for example, they would gladly consume them before they can reproduce sufficiently to maintain their population.

By waiting for the cleanup crew to establish themselves first, it helps gives the cleanup crew time to multiply and thrive, ensuring a sustainable source of beneficial organisms.

It’s also important to provide them with suitable hiding spots and food sources. Leaf litter and cork bark are excellent additions to the vivarium as they offer shelter and nourishment for the cleanup crew.

These natural materials create microhabitats where the organisms can thrive, reproduce, and carry out their essential role in breaking down organic matter.

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