Always Carve Away the Smooth Surface of Expanded Foam

When it comes to creating backgrounds with expanding foam, it’s essential to address the issue of silicone and coco coir separation by properly preparing the foam’s exterior surface.

One common mistake is failing to carve off the smooth and shiny outer layer of the expanded foam before applying silicone.

During the hardening process, expanding foam develops a hard and smooth surface that poses challenges for silicone adhesion.

If the silicone is applied directly onto this smooth surface, it may struggle to form a strong bond and could eventually detach, particularly in high humidity environments.

To avoid this issue, it’s crucial to carve away the majority of the outermost layer of the smooth surface.

By removing the smooth layer, you expose the more porous and textured parts of the foam, providing a better surface for silicone adhesion.

While it’s acceptable to have a few missed spots, the majority of the silicone should adhere to the porous areas of the foam for a secure bond.

This carving process also presents an opportunity to shape the background according to your desired design.

Take the time to sculpt the foam into your preferred shape, creating contours, ledges, and other features that enhance the visual appeal and functionality of your vivarium.

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