Mix Your Substrate With Water Before You Start Planting

When it comes to preparing your substrate for a vivarium, it’s important to ensure proper moisture distribution throughout.

If you’re starting with dry substrate, it’s recommended to add water and thoroughly mix it before placing it in the vivarium (or mix it directly within the vivarium before planting).

This step is crucial because dry substrate can often be hydrophobic, meaning it repels water instead of absorbing it.

By moistening the substrate before introducing it to the vivarium, you can prevent the formation of hidden dry spots beneath the surface.

These dry pockets could potentially impact the health and growth of your plants. Aim for a nice and even mixture that allows water to penetrate evenly throughout the substrate, providing optimal hydration for your plants.

By taking the time to mix the substrate and ensure adequate moisture levels, you are setting a solid foundation for your vivarium.

Your plants will appreciate the consistent moisture throughout the substrate, promoting healthy root development and overall plant vitality.

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