Keep Tools like Scissors, Tongs, and Feeding Dishes Clean

Maintaining proper hygiene extends beyond personal practices and also includes the tools we use in our vivariums.

Regularly disinfecting the tools we handle, such as scissors, tweezers, and feeding dishes, is an important step in preventing the spread of potential pests or contaminants.

Just as we aim to keep our vivariums clean and free from unwanted hitchhikers, ensuring our tools are disinfected helps safeguard the well-being of all our setups.

Periodically disinfecting your vivarium tools serves the same purpose as using hand sanitizer—it minimizes the risk of spreading pests, contaminants, or diseases from one vivarium to another.

Even if you don’t clean every tool after each use, incorporating regular disinfection into your maintenance routine is recommended.

Prevention is crucial, and taking proactive measures can save you from the potential headaches associated with spreading issues across multiple vivariums.

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Keep Hand Sanitizer Handy at all Times