Keep Hand Sanitizer Handy at all Times

Whether you have multiple vivariums or are caring for new animals, taking precautions can go a long way in safeguarding your setups.

Hand sanitizer is a convenient and quick solution to minimize the risk of transmitting potential pests or contaminants between vivariums or when handling different animals.

Even if an animal appears healthy, they could unknowingly harbor mites or other pests that have yet to show visible signs. Using hand sanitizer between interactions with vivariums or animals can help reduce the likelihood of spreading any unwanted hitchhikers.

While it may not be necessary to use hand sanitizer after every single interaction, consider using hand sanitizer specifically when moving between different vivariums or when handling animals that are new to your care. This targeted approach ensures that you are taking appropriate precautions during potentially high-risk situations.

In addition to using hand sanitizer, maintaining a clean and hygienic environment for your vivariums is important. Regularly inspect and monitor your vivariums for signs of pests, such as mites or other unwanted invaders.

Quarantine new animals before introducing them to established setups, and be mindful of any potential risks they may carry.

By practicing good hygiene and taking necessary precautions, you can help ensure the well-being of your vivariums and minimize the chances of introducing pests or contaminants.

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