Understand the Concept of Visual Hierarchy

Image: Kono Terra

Imagine picking up a newspaper or magazine that lacks any headlines. Would you even bother reading it if all the text appeared in the same size? It would be challenging to digest and make sense of the content.

That’s where visual hierarchy comes into play—it helps people scan information more easily and decide where to focus their attention. This principle of design can be applied to designing vivariums.

Just like in printed media, visual hierarchy is crucial in vivarium design to create a well-balanced and visually appealing composition.

Here’s a practical tip: avoid having all the wood or branches in your vivarium be the same thickness. Instead, vary their sizes and try incorporating a mix of thicker and thinner branches.

By introducing variations in thickness, you create contrast and visual interest within your vivarium. The differing sizes of the branches establish a sense of depth and dimension, drawing the eye to different focal points.

Consider the placement of these branches strategically. Position thicker branches as anchor points or focal elements within your vivarium, while thinner branches can serve as delicate accents or transitional pieces.

Varying the thickness of branches is just one way to achieve this. Additionally, you can do the same with color, size, texture, and placement of other elements like rocks, plants, and decorations to further reinforce the visual hierarchy and create a captivating composition.

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